High Performance Showroom

High Performance Showroom

We currently provide and supply our car wax to high performance car showrooms across the south-east of England.

Maserati, Ferrari and Lamborghini are but some of the cars our wax has been applied, to enhance that gloss shine prior to sale. 

Often our wax ends up in the hands of the showroom's professional detailer, although there have been occasions where the sales representatives will use our wax on cars to be sold.

As a car showroom owner, you know that presentation, exceptional attention to detail and customer service is paramount when it comes to selling high performance cars.

That is why it is imperative you use the best, luxury products when it comes preparing and showcasing your amazing collection. Customers want to see that glass mirror reflection, hear that roaring engine, feel that power and be treated in a professional courteous way, knowing that the car has had nothing but the best care and attention prior to sale. 

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